CellTrace™ Violet Cell Proliferation Kit is suitable for labeling cells in vitro and in vivo and uses a dye dilution method to track multiple cells through flow cytometry analysis. generation cells.
• Superior performance—bright single-peak staining enables visualization of cells over multiple generations
• Long signal retention—dye remains in cells for days after staining
•Versatile—a variety of colors Available in options and easy to combine with antibodies or markers of cell function (such as GFP)
• Simple and reliable staining protocols
Selection guide for all CellTrace™ Cell Proliferation Kits for flow cytometric analysis.
Excellent fluorescence stainingSuccessful proliferation analysis using the dye dilution method (see image below) requires extremely bright dyes to differentiate fluorescence after several cell divisions Labeled cells and autofluorescence. CellTrace™ Violet dyes produce high-intensity fluorescent staining that enables the visualization of ten or more generations of proliferating cells before the cell's inherent autofluorescence masks the labeled fluorescent signal. Consistent, uniform staining results with minimal fluorescence variation between cells within a population, clearly distinguishing cell generations without the need for sophisticated modeling software.
Long signal retentionUnlike stains that label cellular lipid membranes, CellTrace™ Violet stains readily cross the plasma membrane and covalently bind to intracellular materials Combined, the fluorescent dye remains well retained and relatively stable, providing a consistent fluorescent signal even when left in a cell culture environment for several days. CellTrace™ Violet dyes covalently bind to all free amines on the cell surface and within cells, are less cytotoxic, and have minimal impact on cell proliferative capacity or cell biology.
Easily multiplexed with other fluorophoresThe violet excitation wavelength and narrow emission wavelength of CellTrace™ Violet dyes make it compatible with other commonly used dyes (Alexa Fluor™ 488, FITC and RPE) and fluorescent proteins (green fluorescent protein (GFP) and mCherry), making it suitable for multiplexing (see Fluorescence Spectra of CellTrace™ Violet Stain below).
Simple and reliable staining protocolCellTrace™ Violet Cell Proliferation Kit contains dye powder in a convenient single-use vial for small-scale experiments without the need to prepare excess dye. Before use, prepare a stock solution by dissolving the contents of the vial in anhydrous DMSO. To stain cells in 1 mL of protein-free medium, typically use 1 µL of stock solution. Cells were stained for 20 minutes at room temperature with gentle stirring during staining. This is followed by a brief wash with complete medium and quenching of any remaining dye in the solution.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.