Achieve faster staining and get better results using pH-sensitive pHrodo Red Zymosan BioParticles conjugates for detecting phagocytosis Accurate results without the need for washing steps or dye quenching. This dye-bioparticle conjugate delivers faster, more precise results than other dye-bioparticle conjugates, reducing signal variability and improving timing in sensitive experiments. pHrodo Red dye conjugate is non-fluorescent outside the cell but strongly fluoresces red in phagosomes and can be specifically used to detect intracellular phagocytosis and endocytosis. pHrodo Red Zymosan BioParticles conjugates are also available with a variety of blue, green, and far-red dye reporters (e.g., GFP, Fuo-4, Calcein, NucBlue, CellEvent Caspase 3/7 green, Mitosox Green, Mitotracker Deep Red, etc.) Used together for multi-channel detection.
The fluorescence of pHrodo Red dye increases significantly as the pH decreases from neutral to acidic, making it an excellent tool for studying phagocytosis and its modulation by drugs and/or environmental factors. It is nonfluorescent outside cells and eliminates the need for washing steps and quenching dyes.
Ready-to-use pHrodo Red Zymosan BioParticles conjugate for imaging or flow cytometry applications, or pHrodo Red SE (activated succinimidyl ester) for labeling your microorganism or protein of choice.
In addition, pHrodo dyes are available in green color and are available as conjugates of E. coli, Zymosan, S. aureus and Dextran 10,000 MW.
For Research Use Only. Not for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.