Our pTrcHis A, B, & C vectors are designed to offer enhanced translation initiation and high-level expression in
E. coli. These vectors feature:
• High-level regulated transcription from the
trc promoter
• Enhanced translation efficiency of eukaryotic genes in
E . coli• The
lacO operator and
lacIq repressor gene for transcriptional regulation in any
E. coli strain< br>
This particular vector offers:
• C-terminal polyhistidine (6xHis) tag for rapid purification with nickel-chelating resin and detection with an anti-His(C-term) antibody
• C-terminal
c-myc epitope for easy detection of fusion proteins with an anti-
myc antibody
For N-terminal polyhistidine tag and Xpress™ epitope, please see our
pTrcHis A, B, & C Vector.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.